Fig.1 Refrigerator |
By Gary Boutin
Supplies and Tools:
G.E. Refrigerator internal filter
G.E. Refrigerator plug (comes with refrigerator)
G.E. Filter model number LSHS6LGZBCSS refrigerators
Sharpie king size marker-black
Mrs Black has a small refrigerator in her maid quarters she uses has a art studio. She said the water tasted strange and she wanted the internal refrigerator filter replaced, plus she noticed the refrigerator filter light was on all the time. She called my repair services to have the appliance repaired.
This post shows the fifteen steps to replacing the refrigerator internal filter.
Step 1: On the door of the refrigerator is the metal foil tag that will give the refrigerator model number. This is the best way to know that the filter will work on this model. Above
Fig.1 shows on the right has General Electric model number
LSHS6LGZBCSS Refrigerator.
Fig.2 shows the General Electric Foil Tape.
Fig.2: General Electric
metal foil tag |
Step 2: Fig.3 on the right shows the the back of the refrigerator and the filter location. It's located on the rear right side of the top shelf of the refrigerator all the way to the back.
Fig.3 Filter |
Step 3: Fig.4 shows the
water plug inside the
butter container. This is the location that Mrs. Black keeps this filter plug.
Fig.4 Filter cap
inside butter container |
Step 4: Fig.5 shows the filter plug is on its side and
fig.6 shows the filter plug standing up.
Filter cap |
Filter cap |
Step 5: Fig.7 shows the insertion of the filter plug. The plug prevents air from going into the system while the filter is being prepared to be placed into the refrigerator.
Fig.7 Placing cap |
Step 6: Fig.8 shows the current filter on/off directions.
Fig.9 shows a
Sharpie king size felt pen marker that shows the
On and Off direction of the water filter. This prevents damaging the filter if turned in the wrong direction.
General Electric direction states to turn the
filter half a turn to remove the filter. By using the marker this removed the guess of what direction to turn the filter.
Fig.8 Directions |
Fig.9 Sharpie |
Step 7: Fig.10 shows the new filter box.
Fig.11 shows the filter comes completely wrapped in shrink wrap. If the filter does not come with a protective covering the filter might still be good, the next step is to check the top of the filter. Is the foil covering glued on tightly to the top of the filter?
If not bring it back and get another filter, this filter might have been used on another appliance.
Fig.12 shows that the foil was on tightly and ready to use.
Fig.10 New filter box |
Fig.11 Filter
shrink wrap |
Fig.12 Remove foil |
Step 8: Fig.13 shows the new filter in the process of removing the
foil top.
Fig.13 Removing foil cover |
Step 9: Fig.14 shows the filter directions. Just in case these directions are not clear enough the filter box does show additional information on how to install the refrigerator filter.
Fig.14 Direction |
Step 10: Fig.15 shows the date that you put the new filter. This way you will have the exact date when the six month is due. G.E. Recommends that the filter is changed every six months.
Fig.15 Place Date |
Step 11: Remove the plug from the refrigerator and get ready to insert the new filter.
Step 12: Fig.16 shows the old filter and screw in the new filter by turning right. Use the old filter to guide the filter on the spout. This refrigerator also seats itself after the filter is position on.
Fig.17 shows the new filter in place.
Fig.16 Direction in Front |
Fig.17 Date |
Step 13: Fig.18 shows a glass and get ready to purge the water system. Below a large blue cut is allowing water to be poured into the cup and allowing the air from being removed from the system. G.E. recommends that at least 3 minutes or about 1-1/2 gallons of water.
Fig.18 Remove
air bubbles |
Step 14: Bet you thought you were finished, the last step is to remove the light light indicating that the filter needs to be replaced.
Fig.19 shows that even though the filter has been replaced the light is still on.
Fig.19 Refrigerator lights |
Step 15: Fig.20 shows that to remove the water filter light press on the light area with a finger and hold it there until the light turn itself off.
Fig.21 shows that the filter light has been removed, General Electric has set the light to return in six months.
Fig.20 Turning off
6-month light |
Fig.21: Filter light |
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