Fig.1 Cable ties |
By Gary Boutin
Supplies and Tools:
12/3 wire ties (wide white)
12/2 wire ties (blue)
Claw hammer
Mrs D. wanted to upgrade her bedroom/office. She wanted the bedroom wall fixed, new baseboards to replace the missing ones, new ceiling and walls painted and she needed this job done as fast as possible. Her new tenet would arrive in three days.
This post the eleven steps to use tie wire cables.
Step 1: Fig.1 shows cutting the cable ties with scissors.
Step 2: Fig.2 shows a package of
12/3 wire ties.
Fig.2 12/2 Wire ties |
Step 3: Fig.3 shows the ties are ready to use push the wire near the wall.
Fig.3 White ties |
Step 4: Fig.4 shows the first wire ties pinning the cable to the wall.
Fig.4 Start here |
Step 5: Fig.5 shows a new cable tie ready to be nailed to the wall.
Fig.5 Prep the tie |
Step 6: Fig.6 shows a new cable tie is being hammered into the wall.
Fig.6 Hammering the tie |
Step 7: Fig.7 shows the cable ties to the wall edge.
Fig.7 Finished |
Step 8: Fig.8 shows the transition from the wall to the door wall edges.
Fig.8 Around the corner |
Step 9: Fig.9 shows the cable moving up the door edges to the top of the door.
Fig.9 Around an edge |
Step 10: Fig.10 and
fig.11 shows a single wire tie holding one cable to the top of the door molding.
Fig.10 Cable wire |
Fig.11 Wire tie holding cable |
Step 11: Fig.12 shows the continuation of the cable down the other side of the doorway to the television set.
Fig.12 Around door corner |
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