Fig.1 Dining room walls damages
Left, middle and right wall repair |
By Gary Boutin
Supplies and Tools:
Diagonal cutters (cutting nails)
Razor knife and extra blades
Tarps cotton 9 ft. x 12 ft.
Vice grips pliers
Wall saw - rubber handle
My favorite client located Santa Clarita were selling
their home and moving to Colorado. A Realtor checked all room in their home and she requested the repair to be addressed immediately. The
kitchen nook dining room wallpaper was loose and needed repair. Two kitchen windows on the side had bad rubber
seals and leaked water.
This post shows the nine steps to determine if the wall could be saved or if the wall needed to be completely replaced.
Step 1: Fig.1 shows the dining room that needed repair.
Step 2: Fig.2 shows the peeling wallpaper under the sealed window and it shows that the wall is very wet and damaged. The paper and insulation was leaking water from behind the wallpaper.
Fig.2 Peeling wallpaper |
Step 3: Fig.3 shows the wallpaper underneath the main center window. Notice the mold on the left upper side of the wall.
Fig.4 shows the wall is buckling under the weight of the water
inside the wallboard and wall insulation. This section of the wall needs to be
removed and replaced.
Fig.4 Bloated by baseboards |
Fig.3 Bloated wallboard
by baseboards |
Step 4: Fig.5 shows the wall on the left side of the middle window wall also damaged mostly both corners of the window wall.
Fig.5 Damaged and moldy wall |
Step 5: Fig.6 shows the right side of the wall that was badly damaged. This wall was missing all the texture including the paint from the wall. It was down to the wet cardboard.
Fig.6 Wet cardboard |
Step 6: Fig.7 and
fig.8 shows the corner from the left side to the middle wall. The corner completely fell apart when touched from the water damage.
Fig.7 Corner fell apart |
Fig.8 Wet fiberglass |
Step 7: Fig.9 and
fig.10 shows a
drywall saw removing wet wallboard.
Fig.9 Cut area |
Fig.10 Square area for repair |
Step 8: Fig.11 and
fig.12 shows the use of
vice grip pliers removing sheetrock
nails from the studs. Hard to replace the wallboard if an existing nail is there in the wood stud. The new wall will not be level if there is anything that prevent the wallboard from being attached to the wood stud.
Fig.11 Removed nails |
Fig.12 Vice-grips |
Step 9: Fig.13 shows that
diagonal cutter are used to remove the rusted nails from the inside of the baseboard.
Fig.14 shows that the wall was so badly decomposed that the most of the wall sections needed to be replaced.
Fig.13 Diagonal cutters |
Fig.14 Damaged Wall |
How to Repair a Kitchen Nook Wall:
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