Wednesday, November 2, 2016

How to Paint a Rattan Metal Frame Dining Room Table

Fig.1 Rattan Red Paint
By Gary Boutin                     

Tools and Supplies:
Painter's paper
Painter's tape 
Rust-Oleum Universal Gloss Cardinal Red Spray Paint
Spray paint
Plastic tarps
Mrs. Day wanted to get her rattan table painted. We arrived at the Home Depot and purchased Rust-Oleum Universal Maroon spray paint

This post shows the six steps to paint a rattan dining room table.

Step 1: Fig.1 shows the Rust-Oleum Universal Gloss Spray Paint. Fig.2 shows painter's paper, painter's tape and scissors is what is needed to prepare the table for spray painting. Fig.3 and fig.4 shows the top and bottom of the table is ready to be painted. The rattan is exposed but the metal is protected by paper and tape.
Fig.2 Tape, 
paper and scissors

Fig.3 Ready to paint
Fig.4 Table top taped
Step 2: Fig.5 and fig.6 shows the paint rack at the Home Depot. The spray can shows it can paint metal and plastic. The rattan is made of plastic. 

Fig.5 Paint at Home Depot
Fig.6 Can spray rattan
Step 3: Fig.7 shows the bottom rattan that needs to be painted and fig.8 shows the top has been taped so the rattan can be painted. Fig.9 shows the top and the bottom is ready to be painted. 
Fig.7 This area needs painting
Fig.8  Tape the metal
Fig.9 Table ready 
to be painted
Step 4: Fig.10 through fig.12 shows the table is being flipped upside down and right side up to get all the areas of the rattan spray painted.
Fig.10 Upside down
Fig.11 Bottom rattan painted
Fig.12 Top of table painted
Step 5: Fig.13 shows the rattan is drying. Fig.14 shows a close up of the painted rattan.
Fig.13 Paint drying
Fig.14 Bottom rim 
painted and drying
Step 6: Fig.15 shows the table is ready to be used and the Mrs. Day is happy with the new look.

Fig.15 Table rattan painted 
and ready to be used

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