Thursday, December 31, 2015

How to Create and Install Xenon Pucks into a Bedroom Light Tier - Part 5 of 8 - Making the Sheet Metal Base

Fig.1 The tools
By Gary Boutin

Supplies and Tools:
Aviation tin snips
Claw hammer
Galvanized flat sheet metal (36 in by 48 in)
Marking pen (any color)
Metal files (for the sharp edges)
Nail setter (to punch through the metal)
Spring green clips (small)

We received a bed set with a light tier over the bed. It had side drawers tiers tall enough to hold over the mirror a bridge that housed 3-incandescent lights that could be dimmable from a switch within the headboard. Over time the electrical wiring started to crack and was deemed unsafe. 

Now that the existing lamp provides a metal base for the lamp it still does not help attached the Xenon lamp. The lamp will need a flat base to hold the lamp in place. This post shows seven steps how the lamp was assembled on the sheet metal platform  

Step 1: Fig.1 above right shows an the furnace collar galvanized sheet metal that will be used as the foundation for the Xenon lamp. Fig.2 and fig.3 shows aviator snips cutting three round flat sheet metal discs.
Fig.2 Furnace collar
Fig.3 Aviation snips

Step 2: Fig.4 shows the one piece of sheet metal that was cut out of the sheet. Fig.5 shows all three pieces cut out and next will be to trim each piece to a complete circle.
Fig.4 Circular sheet metal
Fig.5 Cut metal circles

Step 3: Fig.6 through fig.8 shows the cutting of the circle into a complete circle. Then later sanded to prevent the metal edges from cutting the lamp cord.
Fig.6 Cut the circle
Fig.7 Galvanized metal
Fig.8 Metal circle 
light support
Step 4: Fig.9 through fig.11 shows the preparation of the lamp platform for the new lamp.
Fig.10 the green spring clamps is what will hold the sheet metal discs to the old lamp. Fig.11 shows the tools that are needed to puncture the holes in the discs. Three holes will be required to match the three holes from the former lamp.

Fig.9 Light support
Fig.10 Small spring clip
Fig.11 Punch through metal
Step 5: Fig.12 through fig.14 shows green springs clamps will hold the discs in place then flip to the top do make the permanent holes for the three #8 wood screws. Three clamps were placed on the platform
Fig.12 Turned upside 
down to place 
clamps on the base

Fig.13 Additional clamps
on each holes
Fig.14 Two clamps per hole
Step 6: Fig.15 through fig.17 shows the nail setter started to make the holes for the wood screws.
Fig.15 Holes punctured
Fig.16 Hole finished
Fig.17 Screws placed
into the holes

Step 7: Fig.18 shows the platform is ready for the lamp insertion. The next step is to cut a hole in the platform for the lamp plug, attach the lamp and check to see if it works correctly.
Fig.18 The lamp was
placed for insertion
How to Create and Install Xenon Pucks into a Bedroom Light Tier:

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Note: The DIY Advisor assumes no liability for omissions, errors or the outcome of any jobs. The reader must always exercise reasonable caution, follow current codes and regulations that may apply, and is urged to consult with a licensed contractor if in doubt about any steps on these posts. All names were changed to protect client's privacy. DIY Advisor. Reproduction of site content including photos without permission prohibited. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2011-

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

How to Create and Install Xenon Pucks into a Bedroom Light Tier - Part 4 of 8 - Cutting the Lamp Apart

Fig.1 Lamp removed
By Gary Boutin 

Supplies and Tools:
Aviation Tin Snips
Claw Hammer
Wood Chisel

We received a bed set with a light tier over the bed. It had side drawers tiers tall enough to hold over the mirror a bridge that housed 3-incandescent lights that could be dimmable from a switch within the headboard. These post shows how we solved the problem. 

The lamp needed to be taken apart to see if any part of the brass existing lamp could be used. This post shows five steps to taking apart the lamp.  

Step 1: Fig.1 above right shows the lamp has been removed from the platform bed wooden tier.
Step 2: Fig.2 shows that the center directional was pulled out of the main lamp. Fig.3 shows the electrical lamp cord was cut so the lamp can be separated. Using a claw hammer and a wood chisel the wire harness was removed from the metal  lamp. 

Step 3: Fig.4 shows the inner lamp and the electrical wires need to be cut from the lamp. Originally the idea was to have the Xenon lamp inside the center unit which had the function of being movable. With the electrical wires in the way it was not possible to have the middle piece be the base for the new lamp.
Step 4: Fig.5 through fig.7 shows the the middle lamp was cut out and only the electrical wires are left to be removed. The bottom wire was cut using aviator snips and thrown in the trash.
Step 5: Fig.8 shows the lamp base is void of the wires and once this lamp base is placed upside down into the wooden tier this will be the foundation of the Xenon lamps.
Fig.8 Base for new lamp

How to Create and Install Xenon Pucks into a Bedroom Light Tier:

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How to Create and Install Xenon Pucks into a Bedroom Light Tier - Part 3 of 8 - Wood Light Tier

Fig.1 Similar model
By Gary Boutin

Supplies and Tools:
Phillip screwdriver

We received a bed set with a light tier over the bed. It had two side drawers tiers tall enough to hold over the mirror a bridge that housed 3-incandescent lights.   
This post shows three steps of the removal of the incandescent lamps.

Step 1: Fig.1 upper right shows
a similar model to the one we own. We own a darker model but it similar enough to explain our objective. Fig.2 shows our model missing most of the lights, no mirror and different wood.
Fig.2 Light tier
Step 2: Fig.2 shows the old incandescent lamp.
Fig.3 Dead lamp

Step 3: Fig.4 shows that to remove the lamp, three #8 wood screws needed to be removed with a Phillip screwdriver from the wood base. Fig.5 shows the lamp completely removed from it wood tier base.

Note: The idea was not to damage the wood tier. It was determine to turn upside down the metal lamp base so later it could be screwed into the metal lamp base. The metal lamp provided the lamp base needed for the Xenon puck lamps.
Fig.4 Lamp upside down
Fig.5 Lamp removed

How to Create and Install Xenon Pucks into a Bedroom Light Tier:

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Note: The DIY Advisor assumes no liability for omissions, errors or the outcome of any jobs. The reader must always exercise reasonable caution, follow current codes and regulations that may apply, and is urged to consult with a licensed contractor if in doubt about any steps on these posts. All names were changed to protect client's privacy. DIY Advisor. Reproduction of site content including photos without permission prohibited. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2011-

How to Create and Install Xenon Pucks into a Bedroom Light Tier - Part 2 of 8 - The Tools

Fig.1 Ryobi drill
By Gary Boutin
Tools and Supplies: 
18-Volt Ryobi Cordless Screwdriver
Aviation Tin Snips
Bit holder with Phillip bit
Claw hammer
Commercial Electric® 3 Light Xenon Task
          and Accent Light Kit (surface mount)
Electrical tape (black)
Galvanized flat sheet metal (36 in by 48 in)
Jewelers Precision Screwdriver Set
Marking pen (any color)
Metal Hole saw kit
Nail setter (pointed end)
Needlenose pliers
Spring clips (small)
Ryobi Titanium Drill bit 1/16 inch
Ryobi Titanium Drill bit 3/8 inch

Early in our marriage we received a bed set with a light tier over the bed. It had side drawers tiers tall enough to hold over the mirror a bridge that housed 3-incandescent lights that could be dimmable from a switch within the headboard. Over time the electrical wiring started to crack and was deemed unsafe. This posts shows the tools needed for this project.  

This post shows eleven steps that shows all the tools needed to get this project finished.  

Step 1: Fig.1 through fig.3 shows the 18-Volt Ryobi cordless screwdriver with 2-inch circular metal hole saw kit, aviation snip, and #8 coarse metal screws. These tools will be used to drill a hole in the galvanized steel which is the foundation of the lamp.
Fig.2 Sheet metal
with snips
Fig.3 Metal screws
Step 2: Fig.4 and fig.5 shows a Ryobi cordless screwdriver with Dewalt 3-inch circular saw. These tools will be used to cut through the galvanized steel to allow the electrical plug to go through the middle to the light base. The spring will hold the base in place.
Fig.4 Circular saw
Fig.5 Spring clamps

Step 3: Fig.6 shows a claw hammer and a nail setter. These tools will be used to place a screw hole in the galvanized base plate.

Fig.6 Hammer 
and nail setter
Step 4: Fig.7 shows the a Ryobi titanium drill set, will be used to drill through the sheet metal.
Fig.7 Titanium set
Step 5: Fig.8 shows a screw organizer. This kit stored the #8 sheet metal screws.
Fig.8 Screws chest
Step 6: Fig.9 shows a bit holder. The bit holder will hold the drills, and Phillip bit to cut and screw into the sheet metal to hold the lamp in place.

Fig.9 Bit holder
Step 7: Fig.10 shows emery cloth used as sand paper for metal to remove any sharp metal shards.
Fig.10 Emory cloth
Step 8: Fig.11 jewelers precision screwdriver set.
Fig.11 Screwdriver
Step 9: Fig.12 and fig.13 shows a generic metal hole saw kit that includes the arbor and the base nut to make the hole saw. This kit will be used to cut through the metal lamp.
Fig.12 Generic Hole
Saw Kit
Fig.13 Harbor and nut
plus hole saw
Step 10: Fig.14 shows black vinyl electric tape. The tape will be used to prevent the lamp wires from being damaged. Fig.15 shows the Xenon
® light kit.
Fig.14 Vinyl tape

Fig.15 Commercial 
Electric® Xenon kit

    How to Create and Install Xenon Pucks into a Bedroom Light Tier:

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      Note: The DIY Advisor assumes no liability for omissions, errors or the outcome of any jobs. The reader must always exercise reasonable caution, follow current codes and regulations that may apply, and is urged to consult with a licensed contractor if in doubt about any steps on these posts. All names were changed to protect client's privacy. DIY Advisor. Reproduction of site content including photos without permission prohibited. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2011-