Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How to Replace Garage Door Opener Energizer Batteries #2032

Fig.1 LiftMaster® 
Garage opener
By Gary Boutin
Supplies and Tools:

Energizer® Batteries #2032
Jewel Phillip screwdriver (on some  models) 

Our LiftMaster® garage door opener stopped working, the batteries last approximately two years. This post shows how easy it is to replace the batteries in your garage door opener. 

This post shows the fourteen steps on how to change batteries in a garage door opener unit. 

Step 1: Fig.1 shows the garage door opener removed from the car visor.
Step 2: Fig.2 shows the opener is on my lap and ready to be repaired. Most garage opener comes with all the tools to replace the batteries. Some have screws and you will need a jewel Phillip screwdriver to separate the two pieces. This one has to be pried open,
Fig.2 Garage opener back
Step 3: Fig.3 shows the visor metal clip from the back of the garage door opener. The opener  needs to be removed and this is the tools that will be used to spread apart the two sides apart. This opener does not have a Phillip screw.
Fig.3 Taken
Step 4: Fig.4 shows the area were the metal clip is inserted and twisted apart. Next use the tip of the metal clip to open the garage door opener. 
Fig.4 Place the 
clip at the arrow
Step 5: Fig.5 shows next, use the tip of the metal clip to open the garage door opener and twist the metal clip to open the plastic rectangular box
Fig.5 Opener is opened up
Step 6: Once opened there will be two batteries that will need to be removed and replaced. Remove these two batteries carefully and replace them with the correct battery number so the unit works correctly. Fig.6 and fig.7 shows the Energizer
® Batteries #2032 are the correct batteries for this unit.
Fig.6 Energizer® batteries
Fig.7 Round 
batteries #2032
Step 7: Fig.8 shows a Duracell® battery chart that will help you decided what size of battery you need for the job. Simple drop the battery inside this chart and the battery stops at the desired number.
Fig.8 Battery
Step 8: Fig.9 shows a battery #2032 that has a plastic protection sticker. This should be removed before placing the battery into the unit. The plastic wrapper wraps around the new battery and shows that this piece should not be swallowed. This battery can be damaged if punctured. Once the battery plastic protector is removed to the trash can than the area is safe for everyone. Be sure to have clean hands or use gloves to avoid any damage to the batteries.
Fig.9 Battery protector
Step 9: Fig.10 shows: Got the right battery. Check this? If you have that kind of phone this is a cool function and lends itself to interesting advertising and information.
Fig.10 Got Battery
Step 10: Fig.11 shows that two new batteries will be used for this garage unit.  
Fig.11 Two battery per unit
Step 11: Fig.12 shows that two new garage door batteries #2032 placed inside the unit.
Fig.12 New garage
door opener batteries
Step 12: Fig.13 shows the unit now needs to be closed up. Align the two corners together and press together until you hear the snap. Fig.14 shows the garage opener is closed.

Fig.13 Align the corners
Ready to use
Step 13: Fig.15 shows the metal clip is inserted into the back of the opener. 
Fig.15 Clip back on
Step 14: Fig.16 shows the opener has been placed back in its auto home.
Fig.16 Moved on the left side

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